All users that download MJ VIDEOJOCS apps and games accept this privacy policy:


We use the minimum number of permissions necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the applications and to display ads.


All company names and logos that could be included at our apps, are only owned by their companies. We in no case try to plagiarize or damage the companies, they are only used at games for play purposes.

All songs included at our song games are owned by their artists and record companies. We don’t sell or distribute any song, only play a few seconds for play purposes.

If you are the owned of any song, image or name included at our games and you don’t want to be included on it, please tell us and we will change it as soon as possible.


We create images that are our property and use images from Pixabay. You can’t copy or use any of our images to your benefit without our permission. To use images that are property of Pixabay, please read their use policies.


Some apps and games need to collect some info locally (at your phone or SD card) to save some info, preferences, records… They are only used for the proper functioning of the applications and for your benefit such as showing your records, for nothing else.


Ads will be displayed in some MJ VIDEOJOCS games and applications and the user who downloads them agrees to see them. It is our way of monetizing free applications. We include banners, interstitials and rewarded videos. They are ads with several filtered categories, always from trusted companies like Google.

Links to the privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app:



All EU users that download our apps and games are accepting to give us the consent to personalize their ads for a better experience.