MJVideoJocs @MJ_Videojocs E-mail


Hi all! Salutacions des de Barcelona!

MJ VideoJocs is an indie team of two people making video-games for kids. Father and daughter, development and ideas, working together.

We use Godot Engine as our main development engine.


We mainly develop educational software for WEB and Android. Primary education students are our first users.

Our first published game for the Android Play Store is ENDEVINA-HOO, and we will be publishing new software in the future.



Pots endevinar la imatge amagada?

Cursa contra-rellotge per esbrinar què s'amaga al monitor. Fes servir els comodins que t'ajudaran a guanyar temps i pistes per encertar el major número d'imatges.

Get it on:

MJVideoJocs @MJ_Videojocs e-mail